CWC Support for Children's Court Judges & Hearing Officers
The Corinne Wolfe Center for Child and Family Justice (CWC) provides resources, training, and support to New Mexico’s Judges and Hearing Officers who hear child welfare and juvenile justice cases. If you are a judicial officer, we’re here to help you.
New Mexico Resources
The CWC produces two comprehensive guides to New Mexico’s Children’s Court proceedings:
Searchable versions of these Handbooks are available to download on our Publications page, along with a series of New Mexico Best Practices Bulletins and other helpful documents, including a newly updated Summary of Key Provisions in ICWA produced for the New Mexico Tribal State Judicial Consortium.
Judicial Resources from National Organizations
Reasonable Efforts: A Judicial Perspective, by Judge Leonard Edwards (Ret.), from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
The Resource Guidelines: Supporting Best Practices and Building Foundations for Innovation in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Child Safety: A Guide for Judges and Attorneys from the National Resource Center for Child Protective Services, the National Resource Center on Legal and Judicial Issues, and the American Bar Association
“When You Decide . . .” A Judge’s Guide to Pregnancy Prevention Among Foster Youth with Bench Tools and Scripts from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
Children’s Court Judges and Hearing Officers hear cases that require specialized training. New Mexico’s Judicial Officers can obtain this special training by attending:
- the annual NM Children’s Law Institute (held in January each year),
- annual cross-training (held regionally in the spring on special topics),
- child-focused workshops at the annual Judicial Conclave each June,
- monthly videoconferences,
- periodic training specifically for judicial officers, or
- the CWC's annual "core curriculum," Essential Information for Practicing and Presiding in Child Welfare Cases.
Video Conferences for Children’s Court Judicial Officers

All Children’s Court Judges and Hearing Officers are welcome to participate in the CWC's monthly videoconferences, which are held from noon to 1 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. The videoconferences are designed for peer-to-peer learning. For information about how to join a videoconference, please contact Cristen Conley.
The videoconferences listed below in red are especially designed for newer judges (and their mentors). Materials from each videoconference are posted below.
2016 Video Conference Materials
Date | Titles & Materials |
March 16, 2016 | Adverse Childhood Experiences in the New Mexico Juvenile Justice Population |
April 6, 2016 | HB 28 and SB 49: Changes to the Children's Code and Substitute Care Act (attachment: 2016 legislative summaries) |
May 4, 2016 | Transition and Educational Planning for Youth in Foster Care (attachment: FosterED Template and Transitioning Planning) |
June 29, 2016 | 2016 Preventing Sex Trafficking of Youth (attachments: Federal Legislative Update, Guide to Human Trafficking, Information Memorandum, NCJFCJ, trafficking in schools, understanding Human trafficking) |
July 6, 2016 | The Developmental Origins of Delinquency (attachments: ACE and toxic stress, ACE toxic Stress Harvard Center, Developmental origins of delinquency) |
August 3, 2016 | Understanding the Science of Infant Mental Health |
September 7, 2016 | 2016 Infant Mental Health Teams and the Role of the Court |
2015 Video Conference Materials
Date | Titles & Materials |
February 4, 2015 | Ex Parte Custody Orders and Custody Hearings |
March 4, 2015 | Trauma Informed Courts |
April 1, 2015 | Adjudication and Disposition |
May 6, 2015 | Judicial Reviews |
August 5, 2015 | Evidentiary Issues in Children’s Court Cases |
September 2, 2015: | ICWA |
October 7, 2015 | Permanency Hearings and Termination of Parental Rights |
November 4, 2015 | Adoption and Permanent Guardianship |
December 2, 2015 | Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children |
Essential Information for Practicing and Presiding in Child Welfare Cases
A core curriculum for judges and lawyers
CWC provides 2+ days of training each summer that introduce the central legal concepts and practices unique to civil child abuse and neglect cases in New Mexico. The training is perfect for both new and experienced judges and contract attorneys. This "core curriculum" provides a comprehensive overview of the child welfare system, from investigation to appeal, emphasizing constitutional and statutory requirements that apply to in-court proceedings and out-of-court events. The training covers:
- The Medical Manifestations of Child Abuse and Neglect
- A History and Overview of Key Principles
- How a Family Enters the System
- The Role of the Court and the Parties at Each Phase of the Case
- Introduction to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
- The Role of the Judge in Child Welfare Cases
Please see our Programs Calendar for the next available training dates.