Bulletins, Guides, and Benchcards
Child Protection Best Practices Bulletins

The Corinne Wolfe Center for Child and Family Justice is proud to co-sponsor of this series of publications intended to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children in the state’s care here in New Mexico. Originally written in 2007, these brief bulletins describe a number of innovative practices that are child-focused and family centered. In 2011, most of the Bulletins were updated. The current versions of the bulletins are available to be downloaded:
Introductory Bulletin: What is Best Practice? (2011)
- Advance Calendaring (2011) [PDF}
- Benchmark Reviews (2007) [PDF}
- Connecting Children with Incarcerated Parents (2011) [PDF}
- Education Advocacy (2011) [PDF}
- Family Engagement (2011) [PDF}
- Foster Parent Involvement (2011) [PDF}
- Maximizing the Involvement of Young People (2007) [PDF}
- Open Adoption and Mediated Contact Agreements (2011) [PDF}
- Pacing Permanency (2007)[PDF}
- Parent-Child Visitation (2011) [PDF}
- Preserving Cultural Connections (2011) [PDF}
- Special Calendaring (2011) [PDF}
- Transition Home Plans (2011) [PDF}
- Well-Being Checklists (2011) [PDF}
- Working with Undocumented and Mixed Status Immigrant Children and Families (2011) [PDF}
Child Protection Practice Guides
Booklets for Foster Youth and Others
The New Mexico Court Improvement Project writes and publishes a number of booklets for youth, biological parents, foster parents, judges, attorneys, social workers, clinicians, child advocates, and others who work with children and families in the state. A number of these booklets are available in Spanish as well as English. To download or order the booklets, visit CIP Booklets.